5–7 Dec 2005
INFN Frascati
Europe/Zurich timezone


Opening Plenary 1

5 Dec 2005, 09:00
INFN Frascati

INFN Frascati


Welcome and introduction; status and progress reports from the regions.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Calvetti, M. (LNF)
05/12/2005, 09:00
Wagner, A (DESY)
05/12/2005, 09:10
Weise, H. (DESY)
05/12/2005, 09:40
Lockyer, N.; presented by Padamsee, H. (Cornell Univ.)
05/12/2005, 09:55
Hayano, H. (KEK)
05/12/2005, 10:10
Petersen, B. (DESY)
05/12/2005, 10:25
Brinkmann, R (DESY)
05/12/2005, 10:40
Building timetable...