SiLC meeting



Aurore Savoy-Navarro
  • Thursday 2 February
    • 09:00 14:35
      R&D Sensors
      • 09:00
        R&D on sensors at HIP & VTT 30m
        Speaker: Risto Orava (HIP-Helsinki)
        more information
      • 09:30
        R&D on sensors in UK 30m
        Speaker: Tim Greenshaw (Liverpool University)
        more information
      • 10:00
        Quality Test, present status and perspectives 30m
        Speaker: Frank Hartmann (CERN and IEKPKarlsruhe)
        more information
      • 10:30
        Coffee break 1h
      • 10:50
        3D semi-conductor radiation detector R&D at HIP 30m
        Speaker: Risto Orava & Juha Kaliopuska (HIP Helsinki)
        more information
      • 11:20
        Design and R&D activities for the Future Linear collider in Valencia 20m
        Speaker: Carlos Lacasta (IFIC-CSIC/valencia)
        more information
      • 11:40
        strip sensor charge collection simulation 15m
        Speaker: Zdenek Dolezal (Charles University in Prague)
        more information
        • Laser test setup 15m
          Speaker: Peter Kodys (Charles University in Prague)
          more information
      • 12:20
        Composite materials for big support structure:experience with ALICE's ITS (Internal Silicon Tracker) 30m
        Speaker: Giuseppe Giraudo (Torino University)
        more information
      • 12:50
        Lunch break 1h 30m
      • 14:20
        Welcome 15m
        Speaker: Aurore Savoy Navarro
        more information
    • 14:00 22:00
      Beam tests and simulations
      • 14:00
        General plan and present situation with beam tests 20m
        Speaker: Zdenek Dolezal (Charles University in Prague)
        more information
      • 14:20
        Design and construction of FE electronics 25m
        Speaker: Jean Francois Genat (LPNHE-Paris)
        more information
      • 14:45
        Detector prototypes, Electronics readout and DAQ system for the beam tests 55m
        Speaker: General discussion
      • 15:40
        Coffee break 20m
      • 16:30
        Review of the Simulation Boulder Workshop 30m
        Speaker: Frederic Kapusta & for J. Mc Cormick (LPNHE)
        more information
      • 17:00
        Performance of a Silicon Tracking system with a TPC 20m
        Speaker: Mikael Berggren (LPNHE-Paris)
        more information
      • 17:20
        General discussion on Simulation issues 40m
        Speaker: W. Mitaroff (IHEP Vienna)
      • 20:00
        Dinner 2h
  • Friday 3 February
    • 09:00 14:00
      R&D on Electronics

      Detectors and electronics

      • 09:00
        The design in 130nm CMOS UMC techno of a F.E. and readout electronics chip for Si tracking at ILC 20m
        Speaker: Thanh Hung Pham (LPNHE-Paris)
        more information
      • 09:20
        Technologies offered by Europractice at IMEC and Foundry access through Europractice 40m
        Speaker: Paul Malisse (IMEC-Leuven)
        more information
      • 10:00
        Radiation effects on 130nm CMOS technologies 40m
        Speaker: Federico Faccio (CERN)
        more information
      • 10:40
        Coffee break 20m
      • 11:00
        Simulation on sensors and related issues on detector design 30m
        Speaker: Zdenek Dolezal (Charles University in Prague)
        more information
      • 11:30
        Time measurement and tagging with Silicon trackers 30m
        Speaker: Jacques David (LPNHE-Paris)
        more information
      • 12:00
        Readout, calibration, DAQ electronics 30m
        Speaker: Opened discussion
      • 12:30
        Lunch break 1h 30m
    • 14:00 18:00
      R&D Mechanics & Detector Concepts
      • 14:00
        Detector concepts & detector designs at ILC: The Silicon tracking components 40m
        Speaker: Aurore Savoy-Navarro (LPNHE-Paris)
        more information
      • 14:40
        Use of pixels for Si-tracking 20m
        Speaker: Aurore Savoy-Navarro (LPNHE-Paris)
        more information
      • 15:10
        Silicon trackers Mechanical issues: experience from ATLAS 30m
        Speaker: Pablo Modesto (IFIC-CSIC/Valencia)
        more information
      • 15:40
        Coffee break and final discussion 20m
      • 16:00
        The Large End Cap Parts or Central Barrel: what designs? And related issues 45m
        Speaker: opened discussion