LCUK Silicon Meeting



Joel Goldstein (University of Bristol (GB)), Joel Goldstein (Bristol University), Joost Vossebeld (University of Liverpool (GB))
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UK Silicon Meeting 8/9/16

Attending: Yvonne, Chris, Daniel, Georg, Glenn, Armin, Paul, Joel

Apologies: Phil, Aidan, Adrian


Since the attendance at the last meeting was sparse, the Santander workshop was discussed again. The mood was very positive, with signs that the Japanese are starting to show signs of movement.

The LC community will be represented at VERTEX at the end of the month, with Joel giving an ILC detector talk.

Oxford Test Facility

Paul presented the status and plans for the Oxford AIDA-funded mechanical test facility. This is being initially designed around the Bristol PLUME vertex modules, but with flexibility for other users a key ingredient. It will incorporate an air-cooled volume with various profiling techniques.

Bristol Reconstruction Studies

Joel presented studies done by a project student, Josh Tingey, on track reconstruction in top events. Josh compared the default SiD strip tracker to a pixelated detector, and measured the performance as a function of the number of bunch crossings the gg->hadronic background was integrated over. There were problems using the software for more than 50 bunch crossings and in adding the beamstraahlung, and the measurements were quite crude. However, the pixelated detector shows clear advantages. These studies should be continued in the new software framework, hopefully directly measuring the physics impact and allowing the time resolution to be optimised.

Relevant Talks at Pixel 2016

Chris encouraged everyone to look at some interesting talks at Pixel 2016. There was no ILC talk, but CLIC was invited, and there were several relevant presentations from the HL-LHC and ALICE community.


The next meeting was set for noon on 13th October.


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      News and Announcements
      Speaker: Dr Joel Goldstein (Bristol University)
    • 2
      Oxford Mechanical Facility
      Speakers: Paul Coe (John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science, University of Oxford), Paul Coe (University of Oxford)
    • 3
      Tracker Pile-Up Studies
      Speaker: Joel Goldstein (University of Bristol (GB))
    • 4
      Pixel 2016
      Speaker: Chris Damerell (Rutherford)
    • 5