26–30 Jun 2017
SLAC National Accelerator Lab
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Test Stands for Breakdown Studies on RF-Driven and Beam-Driven Structures

30 Jun 2017, 14:45
Madrone Room, bldg. 48 (SLAC)

Madrone Room, bldg. 48



Yong Jiang (Yale University)


The experimental progress on constructing two high-gradient warm structure test stands is presented here: (1) Two Frequency Test Stand which provides S-band and C-band phased-synchronized high power microwave; and (2) Beam Driven Accelerator Test Stand which provides X-band high charge long bunch train. Theory and simulations predict that metallic microwave accelerating structures, including RF guns, should operate at high acceleration gradients with reduced breakdown rates and/or with improved beam quality if their cavities operate simultaneously in two harmonically-related modes, rather than only in the fundamental mode. Current main objectives of our efforts are to carry out experiments to confirm this prediction in warm RF structure, including (1) RF breakdown test of Bimodal RF-driven cavity structures; (2) Bimodal RF-driven electron gun injector as a near-term application; and (3) Bimodal beam-driven detuned cavity structures which possibly lead to a bimodal two-beam accelerator.

Presentation materials