18–19 Feb 2018
Asia/Tokyo timezone


Jet Clustering and MC production

19 Feb 2018, 09:00
building 3 (3-gokan), room 425 (4th floor) (KEK)

building 3 (3-gokan), room 425 (4th floor)


Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Marcel Vos (IFIC (UVEG/CSIC) Valencia)
19/02/2018, 09:00
Junping Tian (University of Tokyo)
19/02/2018, 09:20
Jakob Beyer (DESY)
19/02/2018, 09:40
Ryo Yonamine (Tohoku University), Taikan Suehara (Kyushu University)
19/02/2018, 10:00
Akiya Miyamoto
19/02/2018, 11:00
Mikael Berggren (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
19/02/2018, 11:40
Building timetable...