22–26 Oct 2018
University of Texas
US/Central timezone

The Infrared Construction of Composite Higgs Models

25 Oct 2018, 14:19
San Saba (University Center)

San Saba

University Center


Zhewei Yin (Northwestern University)


Recently a method of constructing the non-linear sigma model using only the infrared information is developed. The infrared construction utilizes the unbroken symmetry and the Adler’s zero condition as the only input, resulting in a universal Lagrangian for different symmetry breaking patterns. This implies that the interaction of Higgs bosons in composite Higgs models is universal, where the Higgs bosons act as Nambu-Goldstone bosons resulting from spontaneous symmetry breaking. In this talk I describe how the universal Lagrangian of composite Higgs models is constructed, as well as how such a Lagrangian is gauged

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