Jun 1 – 2, 2018
Asia/Tokyo timezone

After the asian linear collider workshop the ILD collaboration will organise a short collaboration meeting. We will meet in a plenary setting on Friday afternoon. On Saturday there is the possibility to organise topical or expert level meetings. There will be on centrally organised plenary ILD events on Saturday.

On the evening of Friday we will organise an informal ILD dinner. The place is "Gozenya Iori"
Japanese restaurant, which is located near Nakasu-Kawabata station. You can locate it by
The registration fee for the dinner is 7,000 JPY. Please pay by cash at the registration desk during the coffee break of Friday afternoon.

To make planning easier we ask you to register to the ILD meeting. Please note that we like to ask you to do so in addition to the the registration for the ALCWG meeting. There is no registration fee connected to the ILD meeting. However we will need to collect money for the dinner.

To connect to meeting from the outside please use the folliwng vidyo link: https://vidyoportal.cern.ch/join/qxDDTRe6l2

