Halina Abramowicz | halina@alzt.tau.ac.il | Tel-Aviv University |
Konstantin Afanaciev | akg@ifh.de | NCPHEP, Minsk |
Ivanka Bozovic-Jelisavcic | ibozovic@vin.bg.ac.yu | Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences |
Iuliana Cohen | coheni@tauphy.tau.ac.il | Tel-Aviv University |
Vladimir Drugakov | vdru@ifh.de | NCPHEP, Minsk |
Erez Etzion | erez.etzion@cern.ch | Tel-Aviv University |
Christian Grah | christian.grah@desy.de | DESY-Zeuthen |
Ronen Ingbir | ronen@alzt.tau.ac.il | Tel-Aviv University |
Sergey Kananov | sergey@alzt.tau.ac.il | Tel-Aviv University |
Danuta Kisielewska | kisielewska@novell.ftj.agh.edu.pl | AGH-UST Cracow |
Wolfgang Lange | wolfgang.lange@desy.de | DESY-Zeuthen |
Aharon Levy | levy@alzt.tau.ac.il | Tel-Aviv University |
Wolfgang Lohmann | wolfgang.lohmann@desy.de | DESY-Zuethen |
Petr Mikes | mikes@fzu.cz | Institute of Physics, Prague |
Bogdan Pawlik | pawlik@ifj.edu.pl | INS PAS Cracow |
Tord Riemann | tord.riemann@desy.de | DESY-Zeuthen |
Pavel Starovoitov | star@hep.by | NCPHEP, Minsk |
David Strom | strom@physics.uoregon.edu | University of Oregon |
Leszek Suszycki | suszycki@novell.ftj.agh.edu.pl | AGH-UST Cracow |
Wojciech Wierba | wojciech.wierba@ifj.edu.pl | INS PAS Cracow |
Leszek Zawiejski | leszek@chall.ifj.edu.pl | INP PAS Cracow |
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