The 190th SiD Optimization Meeting

Dan Protopopescu

Join the meeting on Zoom via this new link:

Attending: Alexander Albert, Andy, Amanda, Chester Mantel, Chris, Dan, Jan, Jason, Jim, Lucas, Makayla


  • Talk by Jan: strange jet tagging why and how, more of a proof-of-principle; intro for the next two talks 
  • Chester: muon reconstruction analysis - possible bug in PandoraPFO? lead particle analysis - multivariate classifier
  • Lucas: progress of H->tt CP violation analysis - using now signal and 4f bck from Delphes simulation; strong tau tagging performance; next: post-tagging analysis, full SiD, full tau reco
  • Alexander: ToF in SiD with charged K, pi; working on pi vs. K differentiation in low E tracks
  • UTA will have material for the next meeting

Next meeting date: October 14 (tentative, Dan might be away)

Please let the chair know in advance if you have a talk, and roughly how much time you need allocated for it.


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