Heavy Flavour working meeting





Meeting ID: 864 923 1402
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Meeting ID: 864 923 1402
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Meeting ID: 864 923 1402
Passcode: 148313


Minutes top/hf-Meeting 13/11/20

Present: R.P., Francois, Kacper, Yuichi, Frank, Seidai, Esteban, Adrian, Keusuke, Sohail, Ryo, Marcel, Filip

Kacper: top-mass

- Update of combined threshold fit
- Optimisation of measurement points -> gain in precision w.r.t. standard scan
- Version of qqbar (v1.0)? How ISR is included? 
- top mass depends on theory assumptions
- Treatment of alpha_s? Free or slightly constrained in fit, input from lattice and/or Z-pole?
- Organisation of top mass in Snowmass
- experimental uncertainties?
- number of scan points?
=> Full threshold simulation required for serious assessment!!!
- Organisation of top mass in Snowmass
- Taking stock of Snowmass --> Putting together recent finding

Kacper please upload

Seidai: b-mass

- b-mass for H->bb? b-mass well enough known, b-mass may play a role in BSM
- 3-jet events with b, Observable R^3_B is sensitive to b-mass
- renormalisation scale for b-mass?
- Selection classical bbbar with relax on thrust, shown selection is needed to reject background for eL.
- Gain from beam polarisation on background
- Discrepancy detector level - parton shower, what about hadron level
- Mass in parton shower and/or matrix element?
- Seidai has to finish his master thesis until January and he with Adrian et al. will prepare an ILD Note


- Qualitative understanding achieved why vtx-vtx seems to be a filter "against" single-top
- vtx-vtx has tendency to select high energetic b-jets
=> Rejection low energetic b-jets (that are associated to single top)
- vtx-vtx has tendency to select high energetic tracks => Potential sensitivity to details of B-Meson fragmentation
- Exploit new knowledge to understand systematic error due to single top and maybe more (two dimensional plots?)


- 2q samples at 250 GeV

o Agreement on Mqq > 100 GeV for main sample
o Need smaller sample w/o or very small mass cut
o Question is whether simulation over full Mqq or for Mqq<100 GeV to avoid weighting in overlap
o There was a slight tendency to simulate ~50fb-1 with full radiative return, i.e. w/o any cut on Mqq. 

--> Should communicate our decision latest by Monday



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