The 194th SiD Optimization Meeting

Dan Protopopescu

Join the meeting on Zoom via this link:

Attending: Aidan, Amanda, Andy, Austin, Chris, Christian Weber, Dan, Jim, Ketevi, Lucas, Marty, Mohamed


  • Marty is writing a proposal - he reiterated his map of damage idea
  • Lucas talked about his studies of H → τ+τ− CP Violation; and presented preliminary results of CP sensitivity estimations; more optimisations to his selection algorithms. Lucas is using Delphi (not full SiD simulations). Next steps: further optimisations, accounting for correlations. Contributing to LoI written by Daniel Jeans.
  • Marty reiterated his challenge of a study of how much pixel damage our detectors could cope with; proposed change of pixel sizes, common size between calorimeter and tracker. He suggests UTA should get involved.
  • Ketevi (joining first time) will present directions of interest at our next meeting. Will add Ketevi, Christian Weber, Mohamed (and Farida Fassi?) to our mailing notifications.  

Next meeting: January 13, 2021


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