The 200th SiD Optimization Meeting

Dan Protopopescu

Bi-weekly meeting of the SiD Detector Optimization group. Join this meeting via this link:

Attending: Aidan, Amanda, Andy, Austin, Chris, Dan, Dwayne, Jim, Marty


  • Jim gave and update on his SiD ECal MAPS simulation; mips level tagging could be used to improve energy resolution; these studies are ongoing finer pixels, lower thresholds, improved clustering algo's, etc.; comments from Marty, Andy
  • Andy talked about SiD HCal: need SiD-specific designs for endcap and barrel; following CALICE developments; review mechanical design, cooling to make HCal more 'realistic'; detailed simulations needed and processor (XML) parameters should be reviewed; Higgs to Invisible is/will be used as example
  • Dan will review his notes on HCal calibrations (2018-2019)  

Next meeting: April 28th, 2021

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