FCAL software and analysis meeting, 24 November, 2021

Veta Ghenescu (Institute of Space Science)

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Roma, presented an updated analysis of the FLAME data and MC simulation agreement investigation. She did a lot of comparison between FLAME data Alina’s MC simulation data. Alina redo the MC simulation for different energies beam (1, 3 and 5 GeV) and the beam was as close as possible like in tb, the beam hit pad no. 26. Before comparing it Roma postprocessing the   MC data like gain, noise, threshold. There are still differences between experimental and simulated data that need to be discussed. Bohdan will try to check independently the MC simulation results and Roma will do more cuts on FLAME data. Alina will check the number of charged particles after each X0 for each energy beam.

Shan upload more info about Telescope data analysis for TB2021.

The next meeting will take place in 2 or 3 weeks, depending on the progress of the data analysis.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 16:30 17:00
      FLAME: testbeam data and MC agreement investigation 30m
      Speaker: Roma Bugiel (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))
    • 17:00 17:05
      TB2021 - Telescope data analysis 5m
      Speaker: Shan Huang (Tel Aviv University - LUXE)

      Home-made module for Corryvreckan - Telescope raw data analysis software

      Thanks to Sasha's helps and Roma's hints.

      == USAGE ==

      1. Unzip the tar file, and then copy the folder to [corryvrackan]/src/modules/

      2. Go to "[corryvrackan]/build" or other customised build folder, and re-make the software by:



      make install

      3. Add the following lines in the .conf file:


      z_dut = 1500    # change the number to the DUT's z coordinate in mm

    • 17:10 17:25
      News and discussions 15m