WG3 is preparing for strengthening the Physics & Detector activities next year, hoping for the ITN to happen
significant new effort in Japan to grow the community and engage LHC / Belle II colleagues, lead by ILC-Japan Physics Group and Collaboration task force, KEK-IPNS-EF group and JAHEP Future Project Panel (short: ILC-J)
WG3 and ILC-J plan to set up joined activities on concrete topics, in order to support the broadening of the community and put it into a global context
examples (!):
fast timing detectors
flavour tagging with DNN
Higgs self-coupling / ZHH
beam pipe design Belle II -> ILC
next meeting with WG3 & ILC-J next Monday
US: reaching out to C^3, discussing joined activities
core software
beam background simulation
Higgs self-coupling
LCWS May 15-19
first meeting of POC this week
additional security check required by SLAC as DoE lab requires EARLY registration, latest 3 months in advance => speakers / talks / abstract deadline might be earlier than we're used to...
ECFA Higgs/top/EW study:
working on proposing ``focus topics'' to trigger some concrete work and ideally collaboration between the various Higgs factories
hopefully finalized by end January
Funding opportunities to enable exchange with Japan15m
Roman Poeschl(Université Paris-Saclay (FR))