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4–6 Apr 2023
Asia/Tokyo timezone


As part of the ongoing developments being undertaken by the International Design Team, to achieve an appropriate stage of technology production readiness for the International Linear Collider, a coordinated activity tasked to develop suitable solutions for the critical crab cavity technology has been initiated since November 2020, a record for which can be found here:

The progress for these developments has been driven by the requirement to match ILC performance expectations and principally to achieve the associated operational and implementation specifications for both a 250 GeV and 1 TeV centre of mass capability. There are currently 5 different technology solutions being designed from groups in Europe and USA, who are each progressing to be able to perform a suitable down-selection process (for 2 cavity options), in order to then facilitate a next stage prototyping validation. 

Large Conference Room, 1F, 2-Go-Kan
1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki-Pref., Japan 305-0801
Go to map

Scientific inquiry: Yasuchika Kirk Yamamoto

Logistic inquiry: KEK International Promotion Office

Registration for this event is currently open.