LC TPC WP meeting # 9



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Ron Settles (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik)
9th: LCTPC/LP collaboration, Paris EndCap meeting, WP planning, future meetings
Summary of 9th WP meeting 13/09/2006 -------------------------------------------- Wednesday 13 September West Coast East Coast W.Europe Japan 07.00 10.00 16.00 23.00 Present: David Attie Ties Behnke Paul Colas Madhu Dixit Ivor Fleck Keisuke Fujii Leif Jonsson Alexander Kaukher Martin Killenberg Hirotoshi Kuroiwa Vincent Lepeltier Jean-Pierre Martin Takeshi Matsuda Dan Peterson Peter Schade Oliver Schaefer Ron Settles Akira Sugiyama Jan Timmermans AGENDA 13 September 2006 See the agendafoils at 1.News -a.LCTPC/LP Collaboration: formation -b.WWS-R&D-panel tracking review at Beijing 2.WP meeting -Status of Paris meeting 3.Future meetings -Eudetmeeting at MPI 18-20 October -Valencia European WS 6-10 November -Beijing Asian WS February 4-7 February 1. News --------------------------------- 1a. Status of the LCTPC/LP collaboration (foils#3-8) The Collaboration-Board (CB) of group representatives is complete and the names of both CB and TB are shown on the foils. A proposal by the SP for the next steps was sent to the CB and TB and the first collaboration phonemeeting was held on 20.09.2006. 1b. WWS-R&D-panel tracking review at Beijing (foil#9). Nothing new on this at the moment. Chris wrote that planning still on-going (it seems that FALC will also be involved). 2. WP Meeting (foil#10) --------------------------------- This is a short review of Paris meeting. For details see all the talks at A brief summary was given by each speaker at the phonemeeting. Here are a few observations of things that not have already been covered at earlier WP meetings (if the speakers have more, please let me know). Also included is information by the participants at the phonemeeting. Summaries of all WP meetings are available at --Ron (Overview) This was an update of the Vancouver talk, reviewing the performance issues as drawn up in the LDC and GLD DODs. One new point is that we should shoot for the best possible momentum resolution because our competition (SiD) is making a big point that they are better. This is of course a physics question which must be answered by the detector studies: what physics do we buy with 1-3x10**-5 tracking resolution? --Takeshi (PCMAG) Takeshi reviewed the magnet for the LP@Eudet and followed with a discussion of the B-field uniformity. Takeshi pointed out that it is not realistic to think of adding a yoke to PCMAG to improve the uniformity; we should use another magnet if that is wanted. --Leif (LP Elelctronics) Leif showed present ideas for the connectors/channel pitch/pad pitch based on 1mm x 4mm as discussed in WP meeting #7(16/08/2006). The first LP version based on the Alice TPC electronics will havea new programmable preamp together with the Altro chip, and the overall layout is still be worked on. An interesting development for the future is a Mini-FEC based on new commercial components: digitizing baseband + digital signal processing, DSP, advantages: higher density, cheaper price and reprogrammability are potential improvements over the ASIC technique. The question of a having a shaping amplifier or not was discussed. The digital approach was covered by Jean-Pierre in the next talk. --Jean-Pierre (Digital electronics) Jean-Pierre went though details of design issues for digiziting electronics. (A summary won't be attempted here--see the foils for details.) This approach was proposed by Madu and others in WP meeting #6(02/08/2006). The advantage of this method is the possibility of gathering the charge of all to the electrons by adjustments on an pulse-by-pulse basis. --Denis Calvet (Electronics for T2K ) Paul reviewed the talk by Denis. The strategy is: re-use ALTRO-based electronics for detector R&D while designing new read-out electronics. These are based on a SCA coupled to a FADC connected to the outside world via optical fiber. --Ivor (Fieldcage, German-Gem discussion: slides by Ties Behnke) Ivor (Ties) showed again the fieldcage drawing; see also WP meeting #8(30/08/2006). The FC length was discussed again (no conclusion yet). Dan pointed out that the FC rings near the gas-amplification need clarification. Paul requested that position for a source be included. The discussion included the question of a laser; it was thought that integrating a laser would complicate the FC too much for the first LP version. The question of being able to rotate the FC by 90 degrees for cosmics was also raised. Ties suggested interchangable panels may be a solution. Dan thought we might stage the options such as cooling or laser to a later version of the FC. The German groups are starting to discuss about their contibution to the GEM endplate for the LP and are interested in discussions with other groups. --Akira (Gem endplate) Akria discussed that we still have to figure out how we want to work together and how to decide many things: pad size, sector/panel geometry, etc. A design of a LP1 should be simple in order to be ready by end 2007. The Japanese budget foresees a reasonable amount of funds in 2006 so LP1 should converge soon. --Paul (Micromegas endplate) Paul reviewed design issues for the LP endplate that he gave at WP meeting #4(06/07/2006). New points raised here were on the channel arrangement where he calculates that about 10000 channels will be needed, and on optimization of the design where weight, radiation thickness, cooling, stiffness, materials and gas tightness are important properties. --Vincent (positive ions) Vincent didn't have any tranparencies; he went through the arguments for Gem gating, a dicussion which started in WP meeting #7(16/08/2006) and is still continuing. Dan informed of a study he will be doing ot the transmission of positive ions through a 10V Gem voltage. --David Attie (gas studies) David has studied a large number of gases studied in recent months at Saclay. Many properties of gas mixtures have been simulated, and measurements of gas gain were carried out in a test chamber with Micromegas amplification. An impressive number of gases including Penning mixtures were investigated as can be seen on David's tranparencies. --Jan Timmermans (Si TPC) Jan gave an overview of the pixel TPC status. Tracks using the Medipix chip, in Nikhef with Micromegas and in Freiburg with Gem amplification, were shown along with the explanation by Michael Hauschild given at Vienna for the difference in results. The development of the Timepix chip, which is a Midipix design upgraded to give timing information, was described: prototypes are about ready and test results expected in a couple of months. Other developments reported were: Ingrid--integration of a Micromegas mesh on a chip; Twingrid--two-stages of Micromegas meshes; RELAXD--larger chips. The goal is to have the full infrastructure for a SiTPC endplate ready by 2009. 3. Future meetings (foil#11) --------------------------------- -The annual Eudet meeting will be in Munich 18-20 October -The European LC workshop in Valencia 6-10 November -The Asan LC workshop in Beijing 4-7 February 2007
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