29 May 2007 to 4 June 2007
DESY Hamburg
Europe/Zurich timezone

Top anomalous couplings with LCFI Vertexing/b-Tagging Package

2 Jun 2007, 11:00
SemRm 7b (DESY Hamburg)

SemRm 7b

DESY Hamburg

Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg Germany


Dr Andrei Nomerotski (University of Oxford)


LCFI recently released the ZVTOP vertexing package which also includes the b-tagging capabilities. The talk will review the performance of the package in application to measurements of anomalous couplings of the top quark. Variables which can distiguish between b and bbar (ex vertex charge) will be especially useful to study asymmetries sensitive to the top anomalous couplings.

Primary author

Dr Andrei Nomerotski (University of Oxford)

Presentation materials