10–12 May 2007
KOBE University
Europe/Zurich timezone

Contribution List

44 / 44
Hiroshi TAKEDA (Kobe Univ.)
10/05/2007, 09:00
Allister L. Sanchez (LLR-Ecole Polytechnique)
10/05/2007, 09:15
Prof. Vaclav Vrba (IOP-Prague)
10/05/2007, 09:35
Dr Marc Anduze (LLR)
10/05/2007, 09:55
Yuji SUDO (Tsukuba Univ.)
10/05/2007, 10:15
Satoru UOZUMI (Shinshu Univ.)
10/05/2007, 10:35
Prof. DongHee Kim (Kyunpook Nat. Univ.)
10/05/2007, 10:55
Anne-Marie Magnan (Imperial College London)
10/05/2007, 11:15
Gerald Eigen (Department of Physics & Technology - University of Bergen)
10/05/2007, 14:00
Benjamin Lutz (DESY)
10/05/2007, 14:20
Mikhail Danilov (Inst. for Theoret. & Exptl. Phys. (ITEP))
10/05/2007, 14:40
Felix Sefkow (DESY)
10/05/2007, 15:00
Ivo Polak (Institute of Physics - Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
10/05/2007, 15:20
Prof. Tohru Takeshita (Shinshu University)
10/05/2007, 15:40
10/05/2007, 17:00
Julien FLEURY (LAL Orsay)
10/05/2007, 17:20
Christophe De La Taille (IN2P3/LAL Orsay)
10/05/2007, 17:40
11/05/2007, 10:30
11/05/2007, 11:00
Jaehoon Yu (University of Texas at Arlington)
11/05/2007, 11:15
Dr Jose Repond (Argonne National Laboratory)
11/05/2007, 11:45
Dr Georgios Mavromanolakis (University of Cambridge)
11/05/2007, 14:30
Michal Marcisovsky (Institute of Physics - Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (ASCR)
11/05/2007, 14:50
Nanda Wattimena (DESY)
11/05/2007, 15:05
Erika Garutti (Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY))
11/05/2007, 15:20
Valeria Bartsch (UCL)
11/05/2007, 15:35
Mr Hakan Yilmaz (Imperial)
11/05/2007, 15:50
David Ward (High Energy Physics Group, Cavendish Laboratory)
11/05/2007, 16:05
Anne-Marie Magnan (Imperial College - University of London)
11/05/2007, 16:25
Jamie Ballin (Imperial)
11/05/2007, 16:40
Roman Poeschl
11/05/2007, 16:55
Fabrizio Salvatore (RHUL)
11/05/2007, 17:10
Nigel Watson (Birmingham HEP)
12/05/2007, 09:00
12/05/2007, 09:10
Jaehoon Yu (University of Texas at Arlington)
12/05/2007, 09:30
Erika Garutti (Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY)), Roman Poeschl (LAL - Orsay)
12/05/2007, 10:00
Jean-Claude Brient (LLR)
12/05/2007, 12:30
12/05/2007, 15:00

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