11–13 Sept 2007
Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering
Europe/Zurich timezone

Contribution List

51 / 51
11/09/2007, 08:30
Fabrizio Salvatore (RHU London)
11/09/2007, 10:00
Fabrizio Salvatore (Royal Holloway - University of London)
11/09/2007, 11:00
Roman Poeschl (LAL - Orsay)
11/09/2007, 11:20
Paul Dominic Dauncey (Blackett Lab.High Energy Phys.Group - Imperial College - Univers)
11/09/2007, 11:40
Sebastian Schmidt (Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY))
11/09/2007, 12:05
Dr Vishnu Zutschi (NIU)
11/09/2007, 12:25
Manqi Ruan (LAL - Orsay)
11/09/2007, 12:40
Mr Michele Giannelli (RHUL)
11/09/2007, 14:30
David Ward (High Energy Physics Group, Cavendish Laboratory)
11/09/2007, 14:45
Jean-Yves Hostachy (LPSC - Grenoble)
11/09/2007, 15:10
Cristina Carloganu (LPC Clermont)
11/09/2007, 15:30
Dr Niels Meyer (DESY)
11/09/2007, 15:50
Mr Oliver Wendt (DESY)
11/09/2007, 16:30
Jose Repond (ANL)
11/09/2007, 16:50
Samuel MANEN (LPC Clermont)
12/09/2007, 09:00
Daniel DZAHINI (LPSC Grenoble)
12/09/2007, 09:20
Christophe VESCOVI (LPSC Grenoble)
12/09/2007, 09:40
Julien FLEURY (IN2P3-LAL Orsay)
12/09/2007, 10:00
Remy CORNAT (IN2P3-LPC Clermont)
12/09/2007, 10:20
Bart Hommels
12/09/2007, 11:00
Julie PRAST (LAPP Annecy)
12/09/2007, 11:20
Mathias REINECKE (DESY) presented by Peter Goettlicher
12/09/2007, 11:30
12/09/2007, 11:40
Maurice Goodrick
12/09/2007, 11:50
Tao Wu
12/09/2007, 12:10
Anita TOPKAR (BARC-Mumbai - India)
12/09/2007, 14:00
Mr Marcel Reinhard (LLR-Ecole Polytechnique)
12/09/2007, 14:40
Roman Poeschl (LAL - Orsay)
12/09/2007, 15:00
Gary Drake (ANL)
12/09/2007, 15:30
Jose Repond (ANL)
12/09/2007, 16:00
Andy White (U. Texas Arlington)
12/09/2007, 16:30
12/09/2007, 16:45
Vladimir Gapienko (IHEP-Protvino)
12/09/2007, 17:05
catherine Adloff (LAPP)
12/09/2007, 17:30
Hervé Mathez/Christophe Combaret(IPNL)
12/09/2007, 17:45
Clément Jauffret (LLR)
12/09/2007, 18:10
Tohru Takeshita (Shinshu Univ.)
13/09/2007, 09:30
Felix Sefkow (DESY), Sebastian Schaetzel (DESY)
13/09/2007, 10:50
Ivo Polak (Institute of Physics - Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
13/09/2007, 11:10
Jaroslav Zalesak (Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)
13/09/2007, 11:25
Vishnu Vikhyat Zutshi (Northern Illinois University)
13/09/2007, 11:40
Dr Peter Goettlicher (DESY)
13/09/2007, 11:55

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