11–13 Sept 2007
Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering
Europe/Zurich timezone


HCAL Analog scintillator

13 Sept 2007, 10:30
Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering

Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering

Presentation materials

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Benjamin Lutz (DESY)
13/09/2007, 10:30
Felix Sefkow (DESY), Sebastian Schaetzel (DESY)
13/09/2007, 10:50
Ivo Polak (Institute of Physics - Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
13/09/2007, 11:10
Jaroslav Zalesak (Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)
13/09/2007, 11:25
Vishnu Vikhyat Zutshi (Northern Illinois University)
13/09/2007, 11:40
Dr Peter Goettlicher (DESY)
13/09/2007, 11:55
Building timetable...