LAL ILC MDI/BDS/ATF2 group meeting

salle 100 (LAL building 208)

salle 100

LAL building 208

Bi-monthly internal meeting to rewiew activities and exchange information in the LAL ILC MDI/BDS/ATF2 group.
Status of Guinea-Pig program development —— Guy Le Meur A new feature in the C++ version of the Guinea-Pig program, guineapig++, was presented in this talk: automatic grid sizing. A grid is used in Guinea-Pig to compute the electric fields from the Poisson equation in a discretised way. For reliable and efficient calculations when Guinea-Pig is used to compute beam-beam observables important for the intra-train feedback system, the size of this grid must take into account in an adaptive way the varying offsets and sizes of the colliding bunches at the IP. This can be achieved through a partly empirically tuned algorithm based on calculating the center of mass disruption angle. Some technical testing was done but a full evaluation remains needed for a full assessment in the context of large-scale ILC luminosity performance studies. A few other improvements to the guineapig++ output file were also implemented to simplify and clarify the information provided. Guinea-Pig program computing time optimization — François Touze Guinea-Pig cuts the bunches into slices which are moved longitudinally and made to interact when they are in the same transverse plane. When the computation of secondary pairs is included, the generation of these pairs largely dominates the computing time. Attempts to distribute the calculation on parallel CPUs allows to speed up the calculation by about a factor 2 (for 4 CPUs). Further possible reductions of the computing time are also considered by optimizing the pair generator itself, including investigating the minimum number of generations needed for adequate statistical precision, better sampling of the kinematical phase-space for a more efficient application of the veto method, and computing the full kinematics of generated pairs only once.
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    • 1
      Status of Guinea-Pig program development
      Speakers: François Touze (LAL), Guy Le Meur (Laboratoire de l'accelerateur lineaire)
    • 2
      Preparation / review of presentations at upcoming ATF2 meeting in Annecy
      Speakers: Dr Cecile Rimbault (LAL), Dr Hayg Guler (LLR), Dr Julien Brossard (LAL), Dr Olivier Dadoun (LAL Orsay), Philip Bambade (Laboratoire de l''Accelerateur Lineaire (LAL) (IN2P3) (LAL)), Sha Bai (LAL and IHEP), Yves Renier (LAL)