SiD Advisory Group Biweekly Meeting

This is a webex meeting. Follow the instructions provided by email to join. Please do login by computer if possible, since desktop sharing is very convenient.
0745 Pacific
0845 Mountain
0945 Central
1045 Eastern
1545 UK
1645 CET
2345 KEK
    • 07:45 07:55
      News from P5 and HEPAP 10m
      Speakers: Harry Weerts (Argonne), Jim Brau (U Oregon)
    • 07:55 08:05
      Plans for SiD Talks at Warsaw 10m
      What talks have been requested? Who will give talks?
      Speaker: All
    • 08:05 08:15
      SiD Concept Parallel Session at Warsaw 10m
      Speaker: Harry Weerts (ANL)
    • 08:15 09:00
      Choosing SiD Global Parameters 45m
      Summary of Physics Prequirements Latest PFA Results Removing Caveats from Optimization Exercise Last steps?
      Speakers: Marcel Stanitzki (RAL), Marty Breidenbach (SLAC), Tim Barklow (SLAC)