Sep 11 – 13, 2008
Emmanuel College, Cambridge
Europe/London timezone
The workshop will take place in Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Emmanuel College, was founded in 1584 and is located in a beautiful surrounding in the centre of Cambridge. The purpose of this meeting is to review the ILD concept based on physics and detector performance studies with the aim of defining the baseline detector for the Letter of Intent due to be submitted by 31st March 2009. The meeting will consist of plenary sessions with time to allow a broad discussion of the ILD concept. The sessions will take place in the Queen's Building Lecture Theatre. Please registar as soon as possible as some of the accommodation is not guaranteed after 11th July. It may be possible to organise more specialised meetings before or after the main ILD meeting. If you are interested in this possibility please let us know as soon as possible.
Emmanuel College, Cambridge
Queen's building lecture theatre