Parallel Session: MDI and Integration Group - Integration Issues
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Parallel Session: General Tracking
- There are no conveners in this block
Parallel Session: Vertex Group
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Parallel Session: Si-tracking
- There are no conveners in this block
Parallel Session: Calorimeter
- There are no conveners in this block
Parallel Session: Software tools: technical discussion
- Frank Gaede (DESY)
Matthieu Joré
(LAL (CNRS/in2p3))
17/02/2009, 16:00
Marcel Vos
(IFIC Valencia)
17/02/2009, 17:00
A brief overview of the physics case for a high performance forward tracking system is given. A few particular challenges of this region are discussed. Finally, a status report on the work towards an engineered design is given.
Henri Videau
(LLR-Ecole polytechnique), Dr
Marc Anduze
(LLR - Ecole polytechnique- CNRS/IN2P3), Mr
Matthieu Joré
(LAL (CNRS/in2p3))
17/02/2009, 17:45