28 September 2009 to 4 October 2009
The University of New Mexico
America/Denver timezone

Performance Study of the Pair-Monitor

1 Oct 2009, 14:50
Luminaria (The University of New Mexico)


The University of New Mexico

The Student Union Building.


Sato Yutaro (Tohoku University)


The pair monitor is the beam profile monitor at ILC.
It measures the beam profile by using the distributions of electron-positron pairs generated during the beam crossing.
We studied a technique of beam size measurement with the pair-monitor.
In this study, we measured the horizontal beam size, vertical beam size and vertical offset.
The measurement accuracies of vertical beam size, horizontal beam size and vertical offset were found to be 10.1%, 3.2%, 8.6% respectively, for 50 bunch crossings.
In addition, we will report the combined analysis with the BeamCal.

Presentation materials