28 September 2009 to 4 October 2009
The University of New Mexico
America/Denver timezone


GDE: Beam Delivery System

30 Sept 2009, 10:30
The University of New Mexico

The University of New Mexico

The Student Union Building.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Mr Takashi Yamanaka (The University of Tokyo)
30/09/2009, 10:35
Dr Glen White (SLAC)
30/09/2009, 10:50
Dr Stewart Boogert (Royal Holloway, University of London)
30/09/2009, 11:05
Dr yoshihisa iwashita (Kyoto Univ.)
30/09/2009, 11:20
Mr Daisuke Okamoto (Tohoku University)
30/09/2009, 11:35
30/09/2009, 16:00
Dr Brett Parker (BNL)
30/09/2009, 16:05
Dr Nobuhiro KIMURA (Cryogenics Science Center / KEK)
30/09/2009, 16:45
Dr Shigeru KURODA (KEK)
01/10/2009, 08:35
Philip Bambade (Laboratoire de l''Accelerateur Lineaire (LAL) (IN2P3) (LAL))
01/10/2009, 08:55
Deepa Angal-Kalinin (STFC Daresbury)
01/10/2009, 10:35
Dr Kenneth Moffeit (SLAC)
01/10/2009, 11:15
Dr Kenneth Moffeit (SLAC)
01/10/2009, 16:45
02/10/2009, 08:30
Brent Stuart (LLNL), Dr Jeff Gronberg (LLNL)
02/10/2009, 08:35
Dr Tohru Takahashi Takahashi (Hiroshima University)
02/10/2009, 09:05
Building timetable...