28 September 2009 to 4 October 2009
The University of New Mexico
America/Denver timezone


Detectors: Simulation and Reconstruction

30 Sept 2009, 10:30
The University of New Mexico

The University of New Mexico

The Student Union Building.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Akiya Miyamoto (KEK)
30/09/2009, 10:30
Frank Gaede (DESY)
30/09/2009, 10:50
Jeremy McCormick (SLAC)
30/09/2009, 11:10
Mr Christian Grefe (CERN, Bonn University)
30/09/2009, 11:30
Dr Steve Aplin (DESY)
30/09/2009, 13:30
Norman Graf (SLAC)
30/09/2009, 13:50
Dr Jan Strube (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
30/09/2009, 14:10
Ron Cassell (SLAC)
30/09/2009, 14:30
Dr Corrado Gatto (INFN)
30/09/2009, 14:50
Jan Blaha (lapp-Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules-In)
02/10/2009, 08:30
Mr Gleb Oleinik (University of Colorado, Boulder)
02/10/2009, 09:10
Usha Mallik (U. Iowa)
02/10/2009, 09:30
Dr Ray Cowan (M.I.T.)
02/10/2009, 09:45
Dr Katarzyna Wichmann (DESY)
02/10/2009, 13:30
Dmitry Onoprienko (Kansas State University)
02/10/2009, 13:50
Richard Partridge (SLAC)
02/10/2009, 14:10
Mr Vito Di Benedetto (University del Salento - INFN LE)
02/10/2009, 14:45
Building timetable...