Availability Task Force - DRFS

Nick Walker invites you to an online meeting using WebEx. Meeting Number: 751 966 538 Meeting Password: ilc-avail ------------------------------------------------------- To join this meeting %JoinMeetingTitle4SmartPhone% ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Go to https://ilc.webex.com/ilc/j.php?J=751966538 2. Enter the meeting password: ilc-avail 3. Click "Join Now". 4. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen to join the teleconference.
  • Wednesday 8 July
    • 04:00 04:05
      Old business 5m
      (review previous meeting notes, questions_
      Speaker: Dr Marc Ross (FNAL)
    • 04:05 04:55
      DRFS / KCS System - 50m
      Report from the HLRF Technical Area Group
      Speakers: Dr Shigeki Fukuda (KEK), Mr Tetsuo Shidara (KEK)