These are the minutes of the meeting on the 10/9/09
Present: J. Yu, J. Hauptmann. M. Demarteau, M. Wing, F. Richard, R. Lipton, V. Boudry, M. Vos, H. Yamamoto, R.P.
1) Organisational Issues
- Place for workshop Diner booked.
- Currently only 7 participants have registered
This might be due to
a) Summer vacation break
b) Problems to register
As this is a new CNRS imposed registration procedure, R.P. will figure out technical problems to remedy them
In addition a reminder mail will be sent out to the community.
- R.P. *did* enable management rights for the session convenors on the agenda page.
Please try.
- The status of the workshop preparation will be presented at the LCWA09 at Albuquerque.
2) R.P.: Opening Session
Agenda as given in the talk was basically approved.
- Talk on services which have been provided by J. Yu
- Talk on achievements (publication, main results etc.) by V. Vrba -> to be asked by R.P.
Need still to identify the speaker on the role of the testbeams within the detector R&D context which should
also contain a list of central R&D issues.
The whole session will not be longer than 1 1/2 hours
3) V. Boudry: Calorimetry
- Advanced plan of agenda with all detector R&D collaborations present.
Speakers need to be contacted.
- Integration of Xtal calorimetry needs to be arranged among Vincent and John
The session will need a slot of 3 hours!
Will be arranged until next meeting.
3) Gaseous Tracking
As the program committe member has resigned the issue will be figured out by R.P.
4) Silicon tracking
Advanced ideas on the content of the session. Currently it is forseen to have
- 2 talks from the SILC collaboration
- A talk on the EUDET telescope
- Sensor development and CAPTAN r/o system for device testing
May be integrated into a talk on SiD inner tracking.
- Waiting for input from Tim Nelson
Names, agenda and confirmed talks will be announced at Albuquerque. A two hour slot
looks like being sufficient.
5) Testbeam facilities
The tentative sites have been identified and representants from these sites will be contacted by
Vaclav, Felix, Jae and Kiyotomo.
These sites are: Beijing, CERN, DESY, FNAL, J-Parc, KEK, Protvino, SLAC
A open point is whether there an overview on smaller sites in Europe should be given.
6) DAQ and Software
- Talks from DAQ software experts on online/offline interface
Tentative names: Daniel Haas, David Decotigny, Klaus Dehmelt/Xavier Janssen, Guenter Haller
- The software tools may be presented in an overview talk, with some focus on tools needed for
the conducting of testbeams but also identify the place where the analysis of testbeam data
can make use of software developped for genereal ILC studies. This point may include input from
e.g. software experts of the subsytems. The might also point out clearly which tools are missing or completely
undermanned (or both). Remember that this meeting is also dedicated to identify open fields.
The DAQ and software session should end up in a discussion how to make the maximum use of common
The session will need more than the allocated 2 hours.
Addendum by R.P.: In the document to be created after the workshop, a clear recommendation to
use common tools should be formulated.
7) Resources and Infrastructure for future Testbeams
- The talk on 'Human and Funding resources for test beams' may comprise a list of
the available man power to conduct the testbeam program as well as an idea about the
funding resources available, the latter may comprise an overview on the programs in which the
programs are embedded. The slot reserved for this talk maybe 20 min.
Here a speaker is missing, which is to be identified with the help of Marcel Demarteau.
- Connected to the last point the ideas for the European program in the FP7 framework will be presented. As one
of the leading persons of this program is Laurent Serin of LAL he will be asked by R.P. to make the
- The points
ii) Establishment of ILC test beam areas
iii) Combined test beams
will be combined into one talk which also should summarise the ILC requests to the sites
F. Sefkow was identified as an excellent speaker and will be asked to give this presentation or
help in agreement with Marcel to identify a suited speaker.
A discussion will be scheduled after this talk such that all together 2 hours for this session looks like
being appropriate.
8) Closing session
- 10 minutes talks by the convenor of the detector sessions
Talks are to include tentative discussions at the wori\kshop.
- Skeleton of workshop Document by R.P. (10 Min.)
Next meeting:
1/10/09-2/10/09 1145pm -1am UTC
Face to face meeting at LCWA09 Albuquerque
with webex connection.
The meeting is scheduled between the actual program and the evening lecture during
the LCWA09 workshop.
Room and connection details to be announced.
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