2:00 PM
Progress Report on the Silicon detectors for the LP-TPC combined test beam
2:25 PM
SiLC test beam at CERN, June 2008
Peter Kvasnicka
(Faculty of Mathematics and Physics-Charles University)
2:45 PM
Alignment of Silicon tracking system: R&D and first EUDET prototype
Marcos Fernandez Garcia
(Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria, Grupo de Altas Energias - Cons)
3:10 PM
SiTRA test beams at CERN: infrastructure developments and results
Alexandre Charpy
(LPNHE, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie/CNRS-IN2P3)
3:35 PM
The new front-end and readout chip for Si microstrips in DSM CMOS technology
Thanh Hung PHAM