LCTW09 - Follow Up



Roman Poeschl
Follow up meeting to prepare workshop document
Minutes of Meeting 18/3/10 Present: F.Sefkow, K. Kawagoe, V.Boudry, J.Yu, F.Gaede, R.P. 1) Status of the workshop document ============================ The draft of the workshop document has advanced but clearly not as much as desired. Currently it contains the following contributions - Takeshi on TPC - Mathew on DAQ - R.P. executive summary and Common beamlines et al. I have also added the calice plans in the calo section but Vincent and John should feel free to replace that by their summary. It is attached as material to the first talk of this meeting or can be downloaded from . It was felt that a dedicated section on Human and Financial ressources is not needed. Rather the risk of limited funding should be integrated in the description of the detector projects (The daq contribution is a nice example for that) and indicated by a well formulated sentence in the conclusion part. It was agreed to strive for a complete draft for Tuesday 22/3/10. This is particular important a) in order to have an educated workshop summary in time for LCWS10 and b) to make sure at the earliest stage that we will have the needed beam facilities available in the coming years. The latter is said in view that FNAL is planning to shut down Mtest in 2012 and CERN is traditionally overbooked. If we make a good point FNAL could still change this plan. Publication strategy - Assuming that we have a complete draft by next tuesday, the document will not be officially announced but it can be shown to interested and relevant people. - The document should be ready by 30/4/10 which allows us for the revision of the existing document but also for addressing important issues which may be raised at LCWS10. The document will become an LC note (+ an arxiv publication?) and sent to the site managers. Next Meeting: 22/3/2010 1200h UTC via webex.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Status of the document
      Speaker: Roman Poeschl (LAL Orsay)
    • 2
      Publication Strategy
      Speaker: All, moderated by R.P.