February 2011 9mA Studies



Cavity RF power calibration procedure
How to convert DAQ data to gradient and phase
Link to documentation for Matlab DAQ tools (DOOCS wiki)
Link to searchable DAQ channel database
List of experiment 'To do's
PDF of FLASH eLog shift logs for all the shifts
Summary of Pk/Ql shifts from J. Branlard
Top-level 'Highlights' slides
    • 1
      Friday Morning
      Machine setup for 400 bunches @ 1MHz, 1.2nC/bunch
      Latest Matlab Tools
      Shift summary

      1. Restored the 1GeV setup from yesterday
      • Reached 400 bunches and ~1nC - very stable, flat charge profile, but not zero losses
      • Toroids recalibrated at 1.2nC
      • Transmission changes through the gun collimator
      • Cannot take gun collimator out - AC39 losses increase
      • Several quads adjusted, solenoid adjusted, but not yet tried re-matching
      • Vector Sum for ACC45: 

      2. Increased charge. Reached ~1.4nC 400 bunches at which point started to get TPS integrated loss alarms (trip threshold is current 50nC over entire bunch train).
      • Went to 1.6nC at 300 bunches, collimator blms limited
      • Losses are in the collimator
      • Did not yet look at matching with the higher charge
      3. Started re-commissioning the piezos and new piezo server for ACC67
      • Piezos are working, AC control is working
      • There is still a problem with the DC control - no effect on the cavities. Testing is in progress

      Tomorrow's afternoon shift: next machine tuning shift. Will run a matching at the higher charge.

      Piezos: switched on, seem to not detuning anything
      -- server not working for DC voltage (security prevents it - Konrad (can change AC

      -- Increased flat-top length of ACC23 of 50us (is 
      -- Gun is at 440us
      -- Beam loading compensation is adjusted to all stations - will need to look again when we increase the beam loading

      Laser: in rf-only mode, we can continue to run the laser into the laser shutter (maybe up to 400 bunches). This would help with the laser thermal stability. Per Siggi: can improve the thermal stability by adjusting BBO. 

      Reference save-set from this morning's shift with 1.2nC and 400 bunches - use the save set from 13:14

      Losses at 10DBC2 or at BC3 - cause losses downstream.

      Orbit feedback system was briefly tested (successfully) in horizontal plane to stabilize the orbit in the undulator section.

    • 2
      Friday Afternoon
      Machine setup Piezo studies
      Studies summary - detuning measurements
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      Saturday Morning
      Detuning measurements from field decay and scan of rf flat-top length Compare online computation with measurement from field decay Piezo studies
      Example script for plotting computed detuning wfs
      Matlab script for flat-top scans
      Short LFD analysis (NJW)
      Studies Summary - detuning scans
      Vibration minimization study
    • 5
      Saturday Afternoon
      Machine tuning - increase charge to 1.6nC/bunch
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      Saturday Night
      Pk/Ql studies - set up flat gradients at 1.6mA
      Studies summary - Pk/Ql studies (1.5mA)
    • 7
      Sunday Morning
      Detuning measurements Piezo tuner setup for LFD compensation Vibration studies using piezos
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      Sunday Afternoon
      Machine tuning for higher charge Set up lower gradients on ACC67 with beam
    • 9
      Sunday Night
      Pk/Ql studies - set up flat gradients at 1.7mA, 200MeV vector sum on ACC67
      Studies summary - Pk/Ql studies (4.5mA)
    • 10
      Monday Morning
      Reconfigure drive laser for 3MHz bunch rate Reconfigure machine for 5Hz operation
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      Monday Afternoon
      Machine setup, tuning with 3MHz bunch rate
    • 12
      Monday Night
      Pk/Ql studies - flatten gradients with 3mA, 200MeV Vector Sum for ACC67 Scan beam current up to 5mA with Pk/Ql optimized for 3mA
    • 13
      Tuesday Morning
      Continue characterizing Pk/Ql study with flat gradients at 3mA Ql Perturbation measurements around 3mA working point First attempt to iteratively optimize Qls around reference working point
    • 14
      Tuesday Afternoon
      Set up machine for higher gradient operation on ACC67 Pk/Ql studies - flatten gradients at 4.2mA with 300MeV Vector Sum for ACC67
    • 15
      Tuesday Night
      Pk/Ql studies - flatten gradients at 4.2mA, 300MeV on ACC67 Evaluate iterative procedure for optimizing Ql settings at 4.2mA working point