SiW ECAL mech&elec



minutes of ECAL mech-elec mtg
21 June 2011

Wafer gluing: Patrick Ghislain LPNHE

presented scheme for gluing of sensors to PCB using robot @ LPNHE
tests will start on
- size of glue dots (previous proto test data exists from Marc Anduze)
- one PCB in hand (3 more available @ LLR)
- (small) sample of glue has arrived

ASU planarity simulations: Julien Bonis LAL

- simulate a warped PCB 1mm deflection, continuous glue layer, si sensor
- glue is the weak point, will not hold a 1mm deflection (or right at the limit)
- max deflection of 0.5mm desirable (order of magnitude)                                          
Endcap mechanical simulations: Julien Giraud LPSC                                                 
- wide vs narrow rails                                                                            
- stresses in horizontal endcap modules                                                           
  could be critical issue                                                                         
  try increasing CF thickness                                                                     
  may need to think of alternative layouts/designs                                                
      (module design not at all optimised for the horizontal orientation)                         
- LLR can do tests of "I" structure with shear forces                                             
- PCB planarity                                                                                   
  need to accelerate towards 16 cavity PCB design
  -> initially not all routage required
  -> more fruitful dicussions with manufacturers
  -> more symmetrical => maybe flatter

  some tests with FEV7 have already been done (Stephane/Rémi)
  -> no problems found so far
  -> should not hold back on 16 cavity design development

  think about other solutions
  e.g Kevlar-based PCB...probably expensive, but interesting to investigate
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      wafer gluing studies
      Speakers: Didier Lacour (LPNHE Paris), Patrick Ghislain (LPNHE)
    • 2
      gluing studies
      Speaker: Mr Julien Bonis (LAL/IN2P3/CNRS)
    • 3
      cooling and endcaps
      Speakers: Mr Denis Grondin (LPSC-CNRS/IN2P3), Mr Julien GIRAUD (LPSC CNRS)