12–13 Dec 2011
SLAC A&E Building #41
US/Pacific timezone
It has been suggested to use the two days prior to the SiD collaboration meeting at SLAC to make another pass at the engineering design of the ILC IR Hall and its support systems in preparation for the ILC TDR and the ILD and SiD DBDs. To that end, members of ILD, the ILC CFS team, the BNL compact SC magnet team and ILC project management have self-organized to join interested SiD colleagues before their workshop begins at SLAC. Other interested parties are welcome to participate. Please register for this meeting. Meeting room space is very tight. We have currently reserved a room that will accomodate a maximum of 15 people and are looking for a larger room. You are welcome to also register and attend the SiD workshop but this is not required. Please use the SiD Meeting web page if you decide to register for the SiD meeting. At the moment, no plans are being made to provide coffee or snacks. DOE rules do not allow use of project funds for this purpose.
SLAC A&E Building #41
Yosemite Conference Room (#130A)
2575 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park CA 94025 <br>
Maps of the SLAC Campus area available here. For those of you familiar with SLAC note that Bldg. 41 is the A&E Building directly across from the cafeteria. Room 130 is on the front left side of the building as you look at it from the SLAC lawn. Please note that on the meeting room map Yosemite Room is mistakenly called out as Bldg.28 (which is currently under construction).