ATF2 2nd goal meeting

ATF meeting room (container) (KEK, remote)

ATF meeting room (container)

KEK, remote

1. Major subjects are listed below; KNU (S. Jang) : design of reference cavity - aperture, tuning method of frequency simulation of DAQ with 100MHz digitizer (SIS3301) and integrated ADCs plan of resolution study at IP wakefield estimation - location of the reference cavity in collaboration with A.Lyapin et al. LAL : test of piezo movers (BPM1&2) - PI mover (BPM3) was tested relative stability between two movers, i.e. between BPM1&2 and BPM3 (update) shipment plan of the IP-chambers FONT : performance study (IP-feedback) definition of inputs for the IP-feedback KEK : preparation of flanges with feedthrous scheduling the installation and any hardware updates if needed 2. Suggestions (1) 9+1 inputs for the IP-feedback (slide-4) (2) 2 optimum configurations, where the new IP is IPBPM-B or IPBPM-C (3) wakefied effects were estimated by two methods, i.e. Collimator and K.Bane's calculation (4) the wakefield estimation prefers the IP at IPBPM-B and a taper structure in front of IPBPM-A to reduce its effect further.
FJPPL-FKPPL Workshop on ATF2 Accelerator R&D, LAL, 19-20 March 2012
Fuze meeting info.