19–21 Sept 2018
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Asia/Shanghai timezone


The organizer would like to acknowledge the supports from the following funding agencies and institutions:

- Ministry of Science and Technology of China (中国科学技术部)
- National Natural Science Foundation of China (中国国家自然科学基金委)
- Center of High Energy Physics, Peking University (北京大学高能物理研究中心)
- CAS Center for Excellence in Particle Physics (中国科学院粒子物理前沿卓越创新中心)
- Collaborative Innovation Center for Particles & Interactions (基本粒子和相互作用协同创新中心)
- Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (李政道研究所)
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University (上海交通大学)