Halina Abramowicz | Tel-Aviv University | halina@post.tau.ac.il |
Jonathan Aguilar | AGH-UST, INP-PAN | aguilar@agh.edu.pl |
Gideon Alexander | Tel-Aviv University | gideona@post.tau.ac.il |
Prasoon Ambalathankandy | AGH University of Science and Technology | prasoon@newton.ftj.agh.edu.pl |
Gideon Bella | Tel-Aviv University | bellag@post.tau.ac.il |
Odette Benary | Tel-Aviv University | benary@post.tau.ac.il |
Ivanka Bozovic-Jelisavcic | Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade | ibozovic@vinca.rs |
Cornelia Coca | IFIN-HH | cornelia@lhcbcc.nipne.ro |
Sami Dagan | Tel-Aviv University | dagan@alzt.tau.ac.il |
Laurentiu Dumitru | IFIN-HH | dlaur@nipne.ro |
Vladimir Drugakov | DESY | vladimir.drugakov@desy.de |
Konrad Elsener | CERN | konrad.elsener@cern.ch |
Tomasz Fiutowski | AGH University of Science and Technology | tomasz.fiutowski@agh.edu.pl |
Janusz Gluza | Silesia University | janusz.gluza@us.edu.pl |
Hans Henschel | DESY Zeuthen | hans.henschel@desy.de |
Marek Idzik | AGH University of Science and Technology | idzik@ftj.agh.edu.pl |
Ronen Ingbir | Tel-Aviv University | ronen@alzt.tau.ac.il |
Sergey Kananov | Tel-Aviv University | sergey@alzt.tau.ac.il |
Sandro Kollowa | BTU Cottbus / DESY Zeuthen | sandro.kollowa@desy.de |
Szymon Kulis | AGH-UST | kulis@fatcat.ftj.agh.edu.pl |
Wolfgang Lange | DESY Zeuthen | wolfgang.lange@desy.de |
Aharon Levy | Tel-Aviv University | levy@alzt.tau.ac.il |
Itamar Levy | Tel-Aviv University | itamar@alzt.tau.ac.il |
Lucie Linssen | CERN | lucie.linssen@cern.ch |
Wolfgang Lohmann | DESY | wolfgang.lohmann@desy.de |
Alexander Mikhailichenko | Cornell U., CLASSE | aam10@cornell.edu |
Olga Novgorodova | DESY | olga.novgorodova@desy.de |
Marius Ciprian Orlandea | IFIN HH | orlandea@nipne.ro |
Bogdan Pawlik | INP PAN | bogdan.pawlik@ifj.edu.pl |
Sabine Riemann | DESY | sabine.riemann@desy.de |
Tord Riemann | DESY | tord.riemann@desy.de |
Iftach Sadeh | Tel Aviv University | sadeh@alzt.tau.ac.il |
Andre Sailer | CERN | andre.philippe.sailer@cern.ch |
Peter Schuler | DESY | peter.schuler@desy.de |
Rina Schwartz | Tel Aviv University | rina@alzt.tau.ac.il |
Madalina Stanescu-Bellu | West University Timisoara, DESY | stanescu@ifh.de |
Amir Stern | Tel Aviv University | amir@alzt.tau.ac.il |
Krzysztof Swientek | AGH University of Science and Technology | Krzysztof.Swientek@agh.edu.pl |
Eliza Teodorescu | IFIN-HH | teodor@ifh.de |
Wojciech Wierba | Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN | Wojciech.Wierba@ifj.edu.pl |
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