The 194th SiD Optimization Meeting

Dan Protopopescu

Join the meeting on Zoom via this link:

Attending: Aidan, Amanda, Andy, Austin, Chris, Christian Weber, Dan, Jim, Ketevi, Lucas, Marty, Mohamed


  • Marty is writing a proposal - he reiterated his map of damage idea
  • Lucas talked about his studies of H → τ+τ− CP Violation; and presented preliminary results of CP sensitivity estimations; more optimisations to his selection algorithms. Lucas is using Delphi (not full SiD simulations). Next steps: further optimisations, accounting for correlations. Contributing to LoI written by Daniel Jeans.
  • Marty reiterated his challenge of a study of how much pixel damage our detectors could cope with; proposed change of pixel sizes, common size between calorimeter and tracker. He suggests UTA should get involved.
  • Ketevi (joining first time) will present directions of interest at our next meeting. Will add Ketevi, Christian Weber, Mohamed (and Farida Fassi?) to our mailing notifications.  

Next meeting: January 13, 2021


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 09:00 09:10
      Upload area 10m
      Speakers: Aidan Robson (University of Glasgow, UK), Amanda Lynn Steinhebel (University of Oregon), Andrew Myers (University of Texas Arlington), Andy White (University of Texas at Arlington), Anne Schuetz (DESY, Germany), Bruce Andrew Schumm (University of California,Santa Cruz), Chris Potter (University of Oregon), Christopher Thomas Potter (University of Oregon), Dan Protopopescu (University of Glasgow, UK), Davis Austin (University Of Oregon), James Brau (University of Oregon), Jan Strube (PNNL), Jason Barkeloo (University of Oregon), Jim Brau (University of Oregon), Joel Goldstein (University of Bristol, UK), Joey Carlson (University of Oregon), Marcel Stanitzki (DESY, Germany), Martin Breidenbach (SLAC), Mengqing Wu (DESY, Germany), Takayuki Ueno (Tohoku University, Japan), Thomas Markiewicz (SLAC), Yevgeniya Shtalenkova (SCIPP), Mr Austin Prior (University of Texas Arlington), Lucas Braun (University of Oregon), Chester Mantel (University of Oregon), Makayla Massar (University of Oregon), Alexander Albert (Cornell University), Kehang Bai (University of Oregon)
    • 09:10 09:30
      H → τ+τ− CP Violation Analysis for SiD 20m
      Speaker: Lucas Braun