Asian Physics and Software Meeting


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[Focused topic]
ee->gamma h (Y. Aoki)
- SM sample (1-loop) used for analysis
C: to look deviation from SM
- gh: h->bb and h->WW* (semileptonic)
- cuts + MVA
C: cut 2 (bb) not very effective?
C: Statistics of signal MVA: ~10k, probably enough since # of input variables are low
Q: What is the cause of the tail on mH in background?
- Combined significance: 0.40 sigma (eLpR), 0.06 sigma (eRpL)
Q: "Conservative" background on WW channel is quite high. What is the definition?

[Status reports]
Mizuno (ee->Zgamma)
- ROOT NTuple problem -> s queue? check bsub log
Yumino (ee->tautau)
- python memory leak: still working
- SMEFT generation: problem solved
- midpoint method vs cone method
C check methods with MC
C right plot on page 5 strange
- tau efficiency on ILC250 not good -> still working
Nakajima (RHN)
- starting to analyze backgrounds, production OK
Kato (Kinematic fit)
- Probablity distribution is OK with Toy samples.
- mumubbbb: preparing samples: generation OK, simulation ongoing

[Next meeting]
Usual time (23rd 14:30 JST)
Focused topic by T. Mizuno

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 14:30 14:40
      Announcements / discussion topics 10m
    • 14:40 14:55
      Focused topic: e+e- ->γh Process 15m
      Speaker: Yumi Aoki (Sokendai)
    • 14:55 15:00
      e+e-→Zγ 5m
      Speaker: Takahiro Mizuno (Sokendai)
    • 15:00 15:05
      e+e-→ττ 5m
      Speaker: Mr Keita Yumino (SOKENDAI)
    • 15:05 15:10
      RHN 5m
      Speaker: Jurina Nakajima (SOKENDAI/KEK)
    • 15:10 15:15
      Kinematic fit 5m
      Speaker: Yu Kato (University of Tokyo)
    • 15:15 15:20
      AOB 5m