Date/Time: 10:30~17:30 JST, August 25th, 2021
Place: Online Web Meeting
Official Language: English
Zoom Connection: (changed)
TV meeting(via CERN Zoom):
1. or
2. meeting ID: 630 2069 3078
73rd General physics meeting of ILC physics subgroup
Attendee: Fujii, Tian, Suehara, Kawada, Jeans, Aoki, Yumino, Mizuno, Kato, Kuhara, Tsumura, Onoe, Mori, Tokiyasu
* Opening comments (Fujii)
- MEXT advisory panel
- US HEP PI meeting
* Discussions (all)
- ILCX (10/26-29)
- summer camp (9/21,22,24)
- Snowmass EF workshop (8/30-9/3) starting at 11pm
- Snowmass Day (Sep. 24)
ILC-Japan physics working group:
- Update JAHEP Asai-committee report
- Input to snowmass
- Should avoid duplicated effort with IDT
- Increase number of involving people is good
* gammaH (Aoki)
- Significance: 0.40 for SM, eLpR
- Limit on zeta_AZ and zeta_A, compared with LHC H->gamma gamma
Q How much is the polarization?
A Analysis in 80-30, but interpreted to full polarization for zeta
Q Any possibility to improve Z/H separation on gamma bb?
C Z off-shell, so no difference on mass
C Spin is different but angles are already used
C energy of b hadrons? dependence is weak (only with b baryons?)
* gammaZ (Mizuno)
- ~10^-4 accuracy on jet energy scale
- 2D plot on dependence of jet energy scale with jet energy and angle
C Fit by simple function better than interpolation?
C There are missing particles at beam pipe on forward angles.
Is angle measurement correct at forward angles?
C Binning of angle/energy can be based on number of events in every bin
More binning in the forward region should be possible
Q Can be used for beam energy calibration?
A Better with mumu. Graham's simple study shows ~1 MeV.
* Higgs -> exotic (Kato)
- Higgs->phiphi->4b, BR can probe up to ~0.1% with ee and mumu combined
- Trying kinematic fit
Q Why qqh statistics so small?
A Similar number of llh and qqh produced, so Larger weight on qqh.
C Z->bb and h->ZZ->bbll gives same final state with signal.
Q Can yvalue of jet clustering help to separate llh?
A Maybe, but h->bbg->bbbb and h->ZZ->bbbb can be included in the background.
Q What causes the bump at the mass spectrum?
A Mis-pairing of the jets, can be improved but not easy
C Try with kinematic fit including probability cut
C 2-jet clustering for pairing is also possible
* Discussion (all)
- Snowmass EF workshop: Morning sessions of Monday, Wednesday, Thursday are recommended to join
- Next weekly meeting: 3rd of September
- Next general physics meeting: 20th of October
- New convener: Kawada