The meeting will be held at the University of Göttingen's central campus, just a few minutes walk away from the city centre.
The building which will host all the sessions is the "Theologicum", which is the building of the Faculty of Theology. The address is: Platz der Göttinger Sieben 2, 37073 Göttingen.
The plenary sessions will be held in the basement in the lecture hall: -1.110
Special lunch time sessions will be held on the ground floor seminar room: 0.132
Technical Board meeting on Wed, Mar 29
Institutional Board meeting on Thu, Mar 30
Early Career Researchers meeting on Fri, Mar 31
Below you can find a map of the central campus, with labels of all buildings:

Göttingen is served via an extensive bus system, unfortunately the webpage for the bus system is only in German, but can be found here. A map of the bus network can be found here and below. Single bus tickets can be bought on the bus and cost 2.40 EUR.

Parking possibilities near the city centre are limited. You are encouraged to leave your car in the hotel parking lot. If you have to arrive to the central campus by car, the main parking possibilities are: