IDT-WG3-Phys Open Meeting


Topic: IDT-WG3-Phys Open Meeting

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Meeting ID: 848 0673 2791
Passcode: 314159

  • Thursday 9 February
    • 23:00 23:30
      Probing light dark sector by invisible decay of dark and SM-like Higgs bosons at the ILC 30m
      Speaker: Kodai Sakurai (Tohoku University)
    • 23:30 00:00
      BSM Triple Higgs Couplings at LHC 30m
      Speaker: Kateryna Radchenko (DESY)
  • Friday 10 February
    • 00:00 00:30
      BSM Triple Higgs Couplings at future e+e- colliders 30m
      Speaker: Francisco Arco