Visa information
After the registration, please send the additional information for visa support letter listed below by email to (the Workshop secretary) or by fax +7 496 21 65 891. Please mention that it is for Yulia Polyakova.
Additional information for visa support letter:
- Date and place of birth
- Passport number
- Passport validity
- Citizenship
- Place of work
- Postal address of the institution
- Position
- Telephone and fax numbers
- Arrival/departure dates
- Exact city of the Russian Consulate in your country where you will apply for a Russian visa
- Copy of passport
Visa information should be provided for each of the accompanying person:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Date and place of birth
- Passport number
- Passport validity
- Citizenship
- Exact city of the Russian Consulate where accompanying person will apply for a Russian visa
A SCANNED COPY OF THE PASSPORT PAGE (the main page with a photo) should be sent preferably as a jpg or pdf file by e-mail (the Workshop secretary) or by fax +7 496 21 65 891. Please mention that it is for Yulia Polyakova.
In case one applies for the visa not in one's native country, a copy of a RESIDENCE PERMIT should also be sent.
This information goes to the Department of Consular Service at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moscow and is accepted 1.5 months prior to the Meeting. When we receive the Original invitation from the Consular Service we will send it to your Institute address by AVIA post. After having it you will go to the Russian Embassy or Consulate in your country and receive your visa.