* Agreed for now, RMS measurement of IP beamsize probably most representative of the measurement made by the Shintake Monitor and should be used as the input for tuning simulations.
* Around the target region of ~35nm, there appears to be a good correlation of RMS versus gaussian fitted core beam sizes, this correlation gets worse for larger beamsizes, presumably where larger non-linear terms dominate and generate a larger tail to the beam profile.
* Kuroda-san suggested comparing a measurement of the RMS with a truncated distribution to the gaussian fit.
* Results of simulations tuning with RMS compare well with those tuning with gaussian core- RMS case is slightly better in fact. Did not show any results of tuning time with the 2 cases- need to do for next time.
* Problem Rogelio showed where beam size does not reduce below ~35nm for pushed beta case still not resolved- we would perhaps need some direct measurement of the core here, which is probably impossible?