Bruce Schumm
19/07/2006, 13:30
An introduction to the tracking sessions at this ALCPG meeting will
be presented.
Norman Graf
19/07/2006, 13:40
An overview of the existing tracking software will be given and
examples of its use will be demonstrated.
Fred Blanc
(University of Colorado)
19/07/2006, 14:10
We present tracking finding studies with the SODTracker package for the outer SiD
tracker, and track fitting studies using Kalman filter fitters. Based on seed
tracks found in the vertex tracker, the SODTracker uses an efficient propagation
algorithm to find tracks in the outer detector. For optimal resolution tracks need
to be fit with Kalman filter techniques, taking into account...
Richard Partridge
(Off-White University)
19/07/2006, 14:25
One of the approaches to track finding in SiD is to identify track
seeds in the silicon pixel vertex detector and then associate hits
with the seeds in the silicon strip outer tracker. This talk
describes tracking code developed in the org.lcsim framework that
constructs track seeds from 3D hit measurements and verifies the
presence of a track using the other layers of the tracker. ...
Bruce Schumm
19/07/2006, 14:40
I will discuss results, progress, and open questions regarding the
use of Tim Nelson's axial tracking algorithm to "clean up" the
tracking by finding tracks that begin outside the reach of the
vertex detector.
Christian Hansen
(University of Victoria)
19/07/2006, 14:55
The result of a TPC software meeting at DESY
in June is being presented. Detailed common
software standards were agreed upon in order
to facilitate the exchange of code and data.
A MarlinTPC package will be written into a
central software repository at DESY.
Joel Goldstein
19/07/2006, 15:10
A package of vertex tools for use within exisiting ILC software frameworks is under
development by the LCFI Collaboration. I will describe the features that this package
will provide, and its current status.
Norman Graf
19/07/2006, 15:20
I will discuss some of the design requirements for ILC vertexing and present the
current status and future plans for the software.
Keith Riles
(University of Michigan)
20/07/2006, 08:55
Recent progress in tracker alignment R&D at Michigan will be reported.
Dual-laser frequency scanning interferometery (FSI) has proven to work
well in reducing systematic uncertainties due to temperature
fluctuations which limit single-laser FSI measurements under realistic
detector conditions. Results of several recent tests carried out to
cross-check the precision of the dual-laser...
Bruce Schumm
(UC Santa Cruz)
20/07/2006, 09:20
We will report on progress in the development of the readout of
silicon strips with power-cycled long shaping-time readout at SCIPP.
Jason Abernathy
(University of Victoria)
20/07/2006, 10:30
We give details of the software being developed at UVic for the
study of the effets of a non-homogenous magnetic field on TPC tracking.
Madhu Dixit
(Carleton University)
20/07/2006, 10:50
The Micro Pattern Gas Detector (MPGD) readout TPC, proposed for the
International Linear Collider (ILC), will have to measure 200 track
points with a transverse resolution close to 100 microns. It will be
difficult to meet the resolution goal with conventional MPGD readout
techniques if 2 mm x 6 mm pads were used as was initially envisioned.
Reducing the pad width to improve...
Dan Peterson
(Cornell University)
20/07/2006, 11:10
The Cornell/Purdue prototype TPC, first commissioned in December 2004, has
an active area of 10cm square and a drift length of 64cm. The present
readout includes 56 channels of 14 bit, 105 MHz, flash-ADCs. Revised
readout pad boards, installed in March 2006, include a combination of 5mm and 2mm
pads. Recent studies of various gas-amplification devices will be
discussed. These include...
Jan Timmermans
20/07/2006, 11:30
Latest developments in the application of silicon pixel readout for a
TPC will be discussed.