21โ€“24 Sept 2010
Africa/Casablanca timezone

Contribution List

65 / 65
Prof. Driss Benchekroun (Universitรฉ Hassan II, facultรฉ des sciences - Casablanca)
22/09/2010, 09:20
Felix Sefkow (DESY)
22/09/2010, 09:30
Roman Poeschl (LAL Orsay)
22/09/2010, 10:00
Prof. Francois Corriveau (IPP/McGill University)
22/09/2010, 11:00
Katja Seidel (Max-Planck-Insitute for Physics)
22/09/2010, 11:10
Mrs Marina Chadeeva (ITEP, Moscow, Russia), Mikhail Danilov (Inst. for Theoret. & Exptl. Phys. (ITEP)), Oleg Markin (ITEP/DESY)
22/09/2010, 11:30
Mr Ivan Marchesini (DESY)
22/09/2010, 11:50
Prof. Francois Corriveau (IPP/McGill University)
22/09/2010, 12:10
Felix Fehr (LPC Clermont)
22/09/2010, 14:00
Mr Muhammad Sohail AMJAD (LLR)
22/09/2010, 14:15
Mr Youssef KHOULAKI (University Hassan II, Faculty of Science)
22/09/2010, 14:35
Mr Philippe Doublet (LAL)
22/09/2010, 14:50
Mr Robert Kieffer (IPN Lyon)
22/09/2010, 15:10
Mr Khaled Belkadhi (LLR - Ecole Polytechnique)
22/09/2010, 16:00
Mr Nils Feege (University of Hamburg / DESY-FLC)
22/09/2010, 16:15
Jaroslav Zalesak (Institute of Physics - Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (ASCR)
22/09/2010, 16:30
Dr Angela Lucaci-Timoce (FLC, CALICE, DESY)
22/09/2010, 16:45
Christian Soldner (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik-Unknown-Unknown)
22/09/2010, 17:05
Mr Nils Feege (University of Hamburg / DESY-FLC), Dr erika garutti (DESY)
22/09/2010, 17:25
Crispin Williams (Universita & INFN, Bologna-Unknown-Unknown)
22/09/2010, 17:45
Dr Jose Repond (Argonne National Laboratory)
23/09/2010, 08:30
Angela Isabela Lucaci Timoce
23/09/2010, 09:10
Manqi Ruan (CNRS)
23/09/2010, 09:30
Dr Jose Repond (Argonne National Laboratory)
23/09/2010, 09:50
Wei SHEN (Univ Heidelberg)
23/09/2010, 11:00
Nathalie Seguin-Moreau (OMEGA-LAL/Orsay)
23/09/2010, 11:15
Mr Mathias Reinecke (DESY)
23/09/2010, 11:30
daniel dzahini (LPSC Grenoble)
23/09/2010, 11:45
Mr Guillaume Vouters (lapp-Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules-In)
23/09/2010, 14:10
MICROROC, Micromegas m2 ASU and DIF, and W-HCAL DAQ development
David Decotigny (CNRS/IN2P3/LLR Polytechnique), Mr Franck GASTALDI (CNRS/IN2P3/LLR Polytechnique)
23/09/2010, 14:35
Dr Vincent Boudry (LLR, Ecole polytechnique)
23/09/2010, 15:20
Mr Denis Grondin (LPSC-CNRS/IN2P3)
23/09/2010, 16:00
Mr Julien Bonis (LAL/IN2P3/CNRS)
23/09/2010, 16:15
Mr Mathias Reinecke (DESY)
23/09/2010, 16:30
Mikhail Danilov (Inst. for Theoret. & Exptl. Phys. (ITEP))
23/09/2010, 16:50
Mr Christian Soldner (Max-Planck-Institute for Physics)
23/09/2010, 17:10
Jarolsav Cvach (Prague)
23/09/2010, 17:40
Mr Alexander Tadday (University of Heidelberg)
23/09/2010, 17:50
Daniel Jeans (Ecole Polytechnique)
24/09/2010, 08:30
Dr Remi Jean Noel Cornat (CNRS/IN2P3/Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet (LLR))
24/09/2010, 08:45
Roman Poeschl (LAL Orsay)
24/09/2010, 09:00
Prof. Tohru Takeshita (Shinshu University)
24/09/2010, 09:15
Prof. Kiyotomo KAWAGOE (Kobe university)
24/09/2010, 09:35
Jan Blaha (lapp-Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules-In)
24/09/2010, 10:30
Mr imad laktineh (IPNL)
24/09/2010, 11:05
Dr Jose Repond (Argonne National Laboratory)
24/09/2010, 11:40
Jaehoon Yu (University of Texas at Arlington)
24/09/2010, 12:15
Roman Poeschl (LAL Orsay)
24/09/2010, 14:00
Dr Jose Repond (Argonne National Laboratory)
24/09/2010, 14:05
Jaehoon Yu (University of Texas at Arlington)
24/09/2010, 14:10
Mr imad laktineh (ipnl)
24/09/2010, 14:15
Dr Catherine ADLOFF (LAPP-IN2P3/CNRS/Univ. Savoie), Jan Blaha (lapp-Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules-In)
24/09/2010, 14:20
Felix Sefkow (DESY), Konrad Elsener (CERN), Lucie Linssen (CERN)
24/09/2010, 14:25
Felix Sefkow (DESY), Dr erika garutti (DESY)
24/09/2010, 14:30
Daniel Jeans (Ecole Polytechnique)
24/09/2010, 14:35
Prof. Tohru Takeshita (Shinshu University), Toru Takeshita (Department of Physics - Faculty of Liberal Arts - Shinshu Univer)
24/09/2010, 14:40
Dr Jose Repond (Argonne National Laboratory)
24/09/2010, 16:00
Felix Sefkow (DESY)
24/09/2010, 16:20

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