Mini Workshop on Head-on IR

am session: room 100, bldg 208; pm session : room 101, bldg 200 (LAL-Orsay)

am session: room 100, bldg 208; pm session : room 101, bldg 200


Deepa Angal-Kalinin (AsTec Daresbury), Olivier Napoly (CEA/Saclay)
A working day, following the EUROTeV meeting, to review the status of the optics and simulation work which supports the 0 mrad crossing angle interaction region of the ILC. A telephone conference will be set up with SLAC starting at 3pm CET (6am Pacific). The main topics to be discussed: - final focus optics optimisation - extraction optics design - beam-beam background and beam loss studies - stability of collisions with parasitic crossings