Mar 19 – 20, 2018
Asia/Tokyo timezone

meeting participants


The International Linear Collider project is in a very exciting phase, with major decisions regarding its possible realisation in Japan expected during 2018.

At this meeting, we will discuss progress in the study and development of ILC physics and detectors over the last year, and the prospects and plans for the year to come.

The wider context of particle physics, and its relation to the ILC project, will also be discussed.

Please register to attend the workshop, particularly if you plan to request KEK travel support: in this case, please register by mid-January.

On-line registration is now closed: please register at the workshop if needed.

Registration fee: 1000 JPY.

A meeting dinner will be held on the 19th. The fee will be around 5000JPY (staff), 3000JPY (students). Please check the relevant box during registration if you plan to attend.

3-go-kan seminar hall

Please join the meeting by clicking this link:
If you want to join by phone, please use one of the phone numbers listed in the link below:
and enter the meeting extension 103141854384 in order to join.
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