Organized by ILC-GDE Project Managers:
Akira Yamamoto, Marc Ross, and Nick Walker
Hosted and locally organized by KEK LC office:
Chair: Seiya Yamaguchi
Scientific Secretary: Tetsuo Shidara
Administrative Secretary: Tomiko Shirakata
1. Main Subjects:
1) Single-tunnel ML design and High Level RF System (Sept. 7 - 8)
2) Accelerator Field Gradient for SCRF Cavity (Sept. 9 – 10)
2. Objectives and Goals:
- Assessment of technical proposal in SB2009
- R&D plan and goal in TDP-2
- Impact across system interfaces, cost and schedule
- Discussions toward consensus in GDE and Physics/Detector groups
Participants to the workshop (requested)
- GDE ADI team / TAG leaders
- Physics/Detector Representatives
Participants anticipated
- AAP and PAC members
- Internal and external experts
Final Proposal - see below (28 September 2010)