Discussion Topics: Single-tunnel HLRF system in the 1st BAW, Sept. 7-8, 2010
KCS: (Convener: Chris Nantista)
– RF power margin required for cluster operation, including gradient spread, as consistent with cavity production strategy,
– Tuning and control strategy, including impact on high gradient operation and required gradient operational margin
– RF amplitude and phase performance tolerance within a cluster; allowed common-mode and normal-mode fluctuations,
– R&D required, including demonstrations of component performance and demonstrations with small clusters
DRFS: (Convener: Shigeki Fukuda)
– Cavity and klystron sorting and resulting required RF power margins
– Installation strategy; needed tunnel infrastructure and access
– RF amplitude and phase performance tolerances, including gradient spread, as consistent with cavity production strategy,
– R&D required in the remaining half of the TDP (and beyond) including radiation shielding, klystron lifetime, redundancy strategies
Backups: (Convener: Shigeki Fukuda, as SCRF HLRF GL)
– Original RF system in RDR, in single tunnel, just in case, as a backup,
Discussion Topics: Accelerating Gradient 1st BAW, KEK, Sept. 9-10, 2010
Gradient Improvement Studies: (Convener: Rongli Geng)
– Material/fabrication, surface processing, instrumentation and repair
– Strategy to overcome ‘quench’, and ‘field emission’ and to maintain moderate cryogenic load,
– Strategy to define and specify ‘Emitted Radiation’, (Radiation that may result in increased cryogenic-load and usable gradient limitations),
– Improvement of gradient and achievement of adequate yield,
Strategy for Accelerating Gradient in the ILC: (Convener: Akira Yamamoto)
– Overview and scope of ‘production yield’ progress and expectations for TDP, including acceptable spread of the gradient needed to achieve the specified average gradient,
– Specifications of Gradient, Q0, and Emitted Radiation in vertical test, including the spread and yield,
– Specifications of Gradient, Cryogenic-load and Radiation, including the gradient spread and operational margin with nominal controls, in cryomodule test,
– Specifications of Gradient, Cryogenic-load and Radiation, including the gradient spread and the operational margin with nominal controls in beam acceleration test,
– Impact on other accelerator systems: CFS, HLRF, LLRF, Cryogenics, and overall costs.
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